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30-hours childcare funding: What you need to know

Written by Louise Winter | 03-Aug-2017 14:30:00

Currently, the UK’s childcare policy states that all parents and carers are eligible for 15 hours of free childcare per week, spread over the 38-week term-time each year. This, however, is about to change.

From September 2017, the government plans to roll out a new 30-hours childcare policy. Here’s everything you need to know.

How does it work?

At present, children aged between three and four are eligible to receive 15 hours of universal childcare funding. Under the new initiative, the government are offering an additional 15 hours of free childcare funding (30 hours in total) to eligible parents and carers.

This policy is not mandatory, and is only available at participating nurseries, playgroups and childminders. Stars has chosen to be one of the nurseries that participates in this scheme.

Am I eligible?

Eligibility for the 30-hours childcare is similar to the previous policy, and is subject to approval by HMRC. The initiative is available if you:

  • Are a working family in England.
  • Have children aged between three and four years.
  • Earn at least £120 per week (equivalent to 16-hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage).
  • Are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or you're unable to work because you are disabled or have caring responsibilities.

For parents with two-year-olds who are on the brink of turning three, you are eligible for the 30-hours childcare funding if your child turns three on or before August 31st 2017.

You are ineligible if you or your partner expect to earn more than £100,000 in a year.

What does this mean for you?

So, here’s the good news! As of September 2017, you’re entitled to an extra 570 hours of childcare support per year, to use flexibly at your disposal. This means that, in total, you’ll receive 1,140 hours of free childcare, spread across 38 weeks.

The Stars policy

This 30-hours childcare funding policy is optional for childcare providers across the country. Here at Stars, we’re proud to be one of the providers to offer this initiative to all children aged between three and four years old who are eligible, giving our parents and carers the chance to double their free childcare support. 

To find out more and see if you’re eligible, visit or contact us here.