Stars Blog and Newsletter

March 2018 newsletter

Written by Louise Winter | 21-Mar-2018 15:03:26

Dear Parents and Carers of our Worcester Park, Kingston and Stoneleigh Nurseries,

We hope everyone had a great February, and all the Parents/Carer’s enjoyed their special Valentines cards from their children. We hope everyone enjoyed Pancake Day and the Chinese New Year celebrations.

The Children enjoyed taking part in ‘Bird Week’ and had so much fun making their own bird feeders, take a look below.

The Children also enjoyed making Valentines cards and tissue paper bouquets for their Mummies and Daddies for Valentine’s Day. Our –Pre-School Children enjoyed visiting the local supermarket to purchase pancake ingredients, Chinese tasters and a special Chinese wok. They really enjoyed using the self-check-out with their teacher. Once back at the nurseries the children enjoyed tossing the pancakes in the wok, and most of all eating them!

For Chinese New Year the children enjoyed making ‘dog’ masks and the Little Stars room got messy with noodle play.

As we enter into March the children will be celebrating World Book Day. We are going to be extending this throughout the month, looking at a story of the week, which promote the British Values that are key for the children to experience and explore. We will be exploring a mixture of stories and will be learning the morals behind each one. We will be making our own story puppets and story sacks so the children can act out each of these stories with props and visiting the library.


March activities

Spring Term

Week 1

The first story of the week is ‘The Three Little Pigs’, focusing on the moral of ‘’Not too trust strangers’’.

We will also be celebrating ‘Mothering Sunday’, the children will be making special cards for their Mothers or any other significant person in their lives.


Week 2

The second story of the week is “The Little Red Hen”, focusing on the moral ‘We all work together’.

We will be celebrating St Patricks Day, and will be making clover leaves.


Week 3

The third story of the week is “The Ugly Duckling”, focusing on the moral ‘We are all different and should be treated fairly’.



Week 4

The fourth story of the week is “The Magic Porridge Pot”, focusing on the moral ‘Why it is important we should not steal’

We will also begin to learn about Easter and take part in Easter activities. We will also be hosting a ‘Stay and Play’ Eater themed afternoon, with an exciting Easter egg hunt planned.



Parent Partnership – Reminders and Notable Dates:


Nursery Food Policy

Please can we remind Parents/Carers that food from home is not allowed to be bought into the nursery with your child in the morning, or left in their bag. This is because some of our children have food allergies or preferences.


Easter themed ‘Stay and Play’

On Thursday 29th March, 2018 we will be holding our second Stay and Play session from 3.00pm – 4.30pm. A separate email has been sent out regarding this. Please remember to confirm your attendance by Friday 16th March, 2018.


Exclusion Periods

Please can I encourage all Parents and Carers to review the exclusion period policy and the Medication policy, to ensure they are aware of all exclusion periods relating to illnesses at the nursery.



Can I please remind Parents that garden/outdoor play is part of our curriculum and our daily routine. If your child is not well enough to go in the garden, this would suggest they are not well enough to attend the nursery, as of course we do not want to exclude children from activities as per our inclusion policy. Of course the team will assess the temperature and any risks before planning garden time and this is confirmed with the Person in Charge with the times and duration for each group (e.g. the younger children will not spend as long as the eldest children). Therefore please ensure your children have a warm outdoor clothing, including a warm waterproof coat, a scarf and gloves and suitable footwear. For the younger children, we would appreciate if you could provide an all-in-one bodysuit/jacket.


Things to try at home this month

  • Explore porridge oats in a tray to encourage sensory exploration
  • Use paint and hands to create Lily paintings (the fingers are the petals)
  • Use potatoes cut in half to print Easter egg patterns and decorate with sequins