Stars Blog and Newsletter

May 2019 Newsletter

Written by Louise Winter | 28-Apr-2019 16:55:59


May 2019 Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers of our Worcester Park, Kingston and Stoneleigh Nurseries,

We hope everyone had a lovely April and enjoyed the beautiful weather, we hope there is more to come! Thank you for all the Parents/Carers who attended Parents Morning, we really appreciate your time and would like to thank you for all the positive feedback on our fantastic team! We would also like to thank the Parents/Carers who attended our Easter themed Stay and Play.

Take a look at our gallery of photographs of what the children have been learning and exploring from the month of April at our Nurseries……………………………………….

                                           Nursery Gallery of April 2019

Our Topics in May 2019

As we enter into May please take a look at the different topics we will be learning about…

Spring Term Week 1 – ‘Recycling’

The Children will enjoy participating in various recycling activities, such as making sensory bottles and sorting materials into categories. We are planning to take the children to a local recycling area, to observe the way items are recycled.

Week 2 – ‘Construction’

The Children will enjoy building their own castles and houses using junk modelling materials. We will also be exploring soil in the builder’s sensory trays, using construction materials to dig and explore.

Week 3 – ‘People who help us’

The Children will be learning about the different people who help us and will enjoy dressing up as their favourite profession. The Children will be visiting the local library to explore books about people who help us.

Week 4 – ‘Transport and Travel’

The Children will have the opportunity to explore different types of maps, such as road maps and the world map. We will also be visiting our local areas to look at different types of transport, and our local travel agents for the children to choose different holiday destination brochures.


Parent Partnership – Reminders and Notable Dates:

Notable Dates

4th Star Wars Day

6th Ramadan Begins

6th Early May Bank Holiday

27th Spring Bank Holiday


May Bank Holiday Closure Dates

The Nursery will be closed for the bank holidays on Monday 6th May, 2019 and

Monday 27th May, 2019.


Social Media

Please add us/follow us on our social media pages.

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Holidays and Absences

Please can we remind all Parents/Carers to email the nursery in advance with any holiday dates or absences. If your child is unwell and cannot attend their session, we also require this in an email. This is required under our Prevent Duty safeguarding requirements.


Security of Nursery Front Door

Please can we emphasise the importance of ensuring the front door is closed properly when entering and leaving the building. Can we also please remind all Parents and Carers to clearly state their names and who they are collecting when requesting entry to Nurseries.

This is for the safety of all the children.