Stars Blog and Newsletter

September 2017 newsletter

Written by Louise Winter | 24-Aug-2017 07:00:00

Dear Parents and Carers of our Kingston and Worcester Park nurseries,

Welcome to our newsletter for September 2017.

We celebrated a mixed bag of events throughout August, from International Left-handers Day to Play in the Sand Day. More importantly though, was the celebration of independence for Pakistan and India on August 14th. The children designed their own flags and kites, and we had a sing and dance to commemorate.

This month celebrates the birth of literary great Roald Dahl, as well as honouring the beginning of both World War II and the great fire of London.

1 SEPTEMBER - Outbreak of World War II

We start the month remembering World War II. The children will be learning about the history of the war and will be making their own 3D structures of shelters, aeroplanes and tanks. They’ll also be designing their own tea stained postcards and letters to send home.

September - Start of the great fire of London

On 2nd September 1666, London erupted into a fiery blaze that lasted for three days. To remember the day, the children will be learning about fire safety and building scale models of houses from the era. This will also link in with our termly ‘people who help us’ talk, and the children will be looking at the emergency services we have available and what they do to help.

8 September - International literacy day

September 8th celebrates all things language. The children will be creating their own imaginative props for their favourite stories and will be re-telling them in an exciting way to their classmates. They’ll also be making story sacks, listening to story music and even writing their own stories.

13 September - Roald Dahl’s birthday

To celebrate Roald Dahl’s birthday, we would like the children to come dressed as a Roald Dahl character. We will be reading some famous stories including ‘James and the Giant Peach’, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, ‘Matilda’ and the ‘BFG’.

19 September - Talk like a pirate day

The children will be enjoying the fun of talking like a pirate to celebrate the annual ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day'. We would like the children to come to nursery dressed as a pirate, too. We will be making pirate hats and masks and will have an exciting treasure hunt!

22 September - Jeans for Genes day

To raise money for the charity Jeans for Genes, we would like the children and team to wear their jeans to nursery for the day and bring a donation of £1.00.

Please can Parents also bring in an old pair of jeans that the children can use to decorate with sequins and glitter.

26 September - European day of languages

Languages are an important cultural staple for many countries. To celebrate the European Day of Languages, we will be learning the importance of different languages and how much fun you can have learning them.

The children will be learning key words in different languages and sharing their own languages with each other.

August Celebrations

Parent Partnership

Roald Dahl’s Birthday

To celebrate Roald Dahl’s birthday on Wednesday 13th September, we would like the children to come to nursery dressed as a character from one of Roald Dahl’s famous stories. If your child has any Roald Dahl stories, please can they bring them in to read during the day.

European day of languages

We would like to ask any Parents who speak a second language at home with their children to email the nursery with key words in their language with an English translation that we can use to learn for the European Day of Languages. Please email or get in touch here.

Jeans for Genes day

If you would like your child to take part in the Jeans for Genes day, please dress them in their favourite jeans for nursery and bring £1.00 for the charity donation. If any Parents have any old jeans they could provide for the children to decorate, this would be greatly appreciated.


Please can I kindly remind parents

  • We have a no mobile phone policy at the nursery. Please do not accept calls in the nursery, this is in line with our safeguarding policy as mobile phones have cameras. If you need to take a call, please take this outside the nursery.
  • Please ensure the front door is shut properly behind you on your way in and way out of the nursery. Please do not let other Parents into the nursery, and make sure to kindly ask them to state their purpose of visit.
  • We have a no shoe policy in the Little Stars room. Please ensure you remove your shoes before entering.
  • Please ensure when dropping your child off in the morning that you put their bag and coat away in their cupboard or on their pegs. This will avoid items going missing.

Activities to continue at home

  • Listen to your favourite nursery rhymes in another language.
  • Visit the library to explore a variety of Roald Dahl books.
  • To celebrate talk like a pirate day, make your own treasure map. Stain the paper with a wet tea bag to create an old effect.