Stars Blog and Newsletter


Written by Louise Winter | 08-Nov-2019 14:39:54

September 2019 Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers of our Kingston and Worcester Park Nurseries, We hope you have all enjoyed the month of August. During August we looked at farmers and their animals, the wonderful creatures we find under the sea and we got messy with our baking week and sensory play week. Stars have had their very own ‘Great Stars Bake Off’.

Please take a look at our gallery of photographs of what the children have been learning and exploring from the month of August at our Nurseries……………………………………….

Nursery Gallery of August, 2019


Our Topics in September 2019

As we enter into September, please take a look at the different topics we will be learning about each week…

Week 1 – ‘Wildlife Week - Week Commencing 02/09/2019

We will be looking at wildlife that can be found in cities, coastlines and the countryside. We will look at their habitats and how we can support our wildlife, the children will be making bird feeders from cereal, pre -school will also be designing their own birdhouses.

Week 2 – ‘Seasonal Change- Week Commencing 09/09/2019

The children will be looking at how autumn changes our surroundings, we will look at the changing of the leaves, changes in weather and what clothes we need to wear in autumn. The children will design their own autumn wreaths and we will discuss all the special events that happen during the season of autumn.

Week 3 – ‘Harvest Festival - Week Commencing 16/09/2019

It’s time to harvest, the children will be engaging in small world harvest play and learning about the importance of harvest. We will be retelling the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ and learning a valuable lesson to help others in need. We will be having some tasting sessions of the items we harvest

Week 4 – ‘Shapes and Number – Week Commencing 23/09/2019

The children will be practicing their counting and shape recognition, Little Stars will be using the soft play to create their own shapes and patterns and singing various counting songs. Rising and Preschool will also be looking at the shapes that make up our surroundings.

Parent Partnership – Reminders and Notable Dates

Notable Dates

23rd September – Autumn Equinox

30th September – Rosh Hashana


Sun Protection

Please could all Parents/Carers provide their child with a labelled sun cream and a sun hat to keep at the nursery. Sun cream must be in date within 1 year and the label must contain information of when the sun cream was first opened. This must also be a factor 50. For babies/children aged under 2 please can we ask that their sun hats have a tie under the chin.

Wet Weather

Unfortunately we have experienced some colder wet weather recently, Could we ask that you provide some wellington boots and a rain coat for your child so that the children can explore outside even in the damp weather.

Social Media

Our social media pages are a great way to stay connected with what’s going on in our Nurseries. Please take a look at some of our posts and photos of the children enjoying our topics as these are updated daily. Please add us/follow us on our social media pages.

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Instagram -

Holidays and Absences

Please can we remind all Parents/Carers to email the nursery in advance with any holiday dates or absences. If your child is unwell and cannot attend their session, we also require this in an email. This is required under our Prevent Duty safeguarding requirements.

Security of Nursery Front Door

Please can we emphasise the importance of ensuring the front door is closed properly when entering and leaving the building. Can we also please remind all Parents and Carers to clearly state their names and who they are collecting when requesting entry to our Nurseries. This is for the safety of all the children.