Partnership with Parents - October 2016

    Black History Month pwp_black-history-month

    To celebrate Black History Month we would like to kindly ask Parents to bring in empty shampoo bottles and any other role play props so the children can create a Caribbean hairdressers!


    pwp_halloween-partyHalloween Party – 31st October, 2016

    We would like to invite all children and Parents to join us for our Halloween Tea Party on Monday 31st October, 2016 from 3.45pm – 5.00pm. If you would like to attend please email or by Monday 24th October, 2016. There is a maximum of 2 guests per child. Don’t forget to dress to impress!



    Dropping/Collecting your child

    Please may I remind all Parents/Carers when dropping or collecting your child, please can you ensure you enter the room when handing over information with the practitioners. The doors need to be closed to safeguard the children in our care.


    Reporting an absence or holiday

    If your child is absent from nursery due to sickness or holiday can Parents please ensure they are emailing or as we require written confirmation when a child is absent from nursery under the prevent duty safeguarding procedures.


    Dates for the Diary

    Parents Morning – Saturday 5th November, 2016

    Parents Morning will be taking place on Saturday 5th November, 2016 from 9.00am – 12.00pm. This is an opportunity to meet with your child’s key worker to discuss their progress. The time sheet will be available on your child’s room door 2 weeks prior to Parents Morning. Due to our Insurance Policy children will not be allowed to attend Parents Morning.

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